Sunday, September 28, 2014

Have You Seen The Commercials for

 I have been seeing the commercials for all over the place the last few days.  So I couldn't help but go check it out.   Here is how they explain it on the site.

"A new project from America’s beverage companies that’s all about making balance easier. Because even if your body is feeling less like a temple and more like— say, a truck stop—balancing the calories that you eat and drink with the calories you burn is key to finding the right mix to keep you feeling like the majestic creature that you are."

It is a nice idea but it falls flat if you ask me.   They make it sound like "they" are going to give you tools and tips, I assume that means you will be able to do stuff on the site.   When it only has links to other peoples tools, like and so on.  I was expecting an app or something that was made by them. And, an ask the expert section.

The "ask the expert" area only has a hand-full of questions asked and the FAQs they mention on the home page is no where to be found. However, that could change as times goes on, its a new site. You would think with all the commercials they have had on TV there would be a lot of visitors asking questions already.  

You can also follow them on the social sites Facebook. Twitter, Instagram, and tumblr for daily "balance inspiration" as they put it, I have now followed them on any of these sites so I don't know what it on there but I am guessing a lot of memes with motivating sayings and such.

With all the options out there I don't see this site being any better (or even equal to) the other "get healthy" sites on the internet.   I applaud the soda companies trying but they can do better.  I would like to see them try to make soda better for you.   I know it will never be healthy, but they could cut back on the sugar or use a better form of sugar (won't go into details here, you know what I mean), etc.....      

 Do you use a website or app to help you keep track of your diet and/or exercise?  I would love to know which one you like, and which ones you don't like.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Have You Ever Bought Fresh Herbs? If no, why not give it a try.

I am sure we all have a thing or two of dried herbs in our cabinets because they are fast and easy. Much more convenient then fresh herbs, lasting longer and no prep.    However there are sometimes when only fresh works best.    If you know how to keep them at their best you are more then likely going to get more then one meal out of a bunch.   Nothing worse then buying fresh herbs using them that night then finding dry or spoiled herbs when you go to use them again.

For someone who has never bought fresh herbs here is a quick rundown on what you need to know. 

  • You'll want to start with picking the best bunch of herbs. Look for pretty unbruised leaves, you should be able to smell it when the leaves are about three inches away.  As you buy and consume on regular basis you will become an expert at picking. You may have to grow your own, sometimes the selection at the store isn't good so starting an herb garden is a good idea if you plan using them often.   What is fresher then right off the pant.
  •  Do not wash them until you are going to use them.  If you wash before storing you will leave moisture on the herbs leaves, this weighs them down and can cause mold.
  •  Remove any fasteners the herbs have (usually rubber bands). Cut off any roots and lower parts of the stems.  If you leave them on they draw moister from the herbs leaves, this will prevent the tops from wilting.   Wrapped trimmed herbs loosely with a damp paper towel, store in a zip-lock bag. Unlike most cases you want to leave a little air to cushion the herbs. If you have room in the refrigerator storing them in containers is best since they won't get crushed.   Keep them in the "warmest" part of your refrigerator (this is usually the top shelf).  You do not want them to get too cold because that turns the herbs black.     It is best to check them every day, get rid of anything that is not looking good.

  To wash you can rinse with the faucet or swish in a bowl of cold water.     When you use the bowl method you will be able to see how much dirt comes off the herbs, if there is a lot you should "swish" them again to make sure you got it all off.   The most importation part of washing them is getting them dry, you want them dry, dry when the time comes to use them.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Can You Overhydrate?

A Yahoo Health post in Aug. 2013 brings the threat of over-hydration to light. We all know about dehydration but did you know you can drink to much?   Most incidents of over-hydration are with athletes who over drank after practice. And, if you have ever made yourself sweat really good weather it be from working-out or "working" you can see how someone could just chug a bunch water or a few sports drink down without a second thought.     The danger is in drinking to much in a short period of time.    The post in Yahoo Health notes a young man that had died from this had drank 2 gallons of water and 2 gallons of Gatorade,  no mention of the time span in which he drank it.

   Also called water-intoxication,  over-hydration can throw off the balance of water and sodium in your blood. It shifts water into your body's cells, causing the cells to swell and eventually die.   This is most dangerous when it happens in the brain since it has no room to swell because of the skull.     Don't panic, this is rare but we should be aware.

There are two types of over-hydration: increased water intake and retaining water.
  • Increased water intake, drinking more water than your kidneys can get rid of in the form of urine.   This can cause too much water to collect in the body.
  • Retaining, the body is unable to get rid of excess water. This happens with several medical conditions or medication.
Symptoms of over-hydration in the early stages can include:
  • nausea and vomiting
  • headache
  • changes in mental state (confusion or disorientation)
If left untreated, it can lead to more-severe symptoms, such as:
  • muscle weakness, spasms or cramps
  • seizures
  • unconsciousness
  • coma
avoid drinking more than one liter per hour of fluid.  Take steps to avoid the urge to over drink after activity, try drinking before you start and take breaks to during (if you feel the need).  

The thing you should take away is to drink in moderation,  let your thirst and pee tell you how much water you need. No need to over do it because you think you "need it".   If you're not thirsty and have pale yellow pee you are likely getting enough water (it's amazing what you can learn from your pee).

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Let's Get Going!

Okay Everyone, lets try this! I have been in this slump and I need to get out of it! I would like to start a challenge group to help us get motivate and ready for the holiday season! Fall is right around the corner and I know there is going to be food tempting us like crazy! If you join my FREE group you will have the support and countability you need to keep going. Plus if you live in my area I will also be doing a Fit Club! This also will be FREE! All you have to do is buy the program and be 100% involved and dedicated to change your life for the good! This will be a change that you are going to LOVE and will NEVER change back to those old habits again! So who is in with me? I don't have a start date as of now, but once I have people that would like to join I will have a better idea of when we will start. There are a bunch of really good sales going on now with Beachbody! You can choose whatever program you would like to do as a work out program! If you are NOT a person that likes to work out at home that is okay! You can take your DVD with you to the gym. I have seen it done! Contact me today for more details and check out my website!  
Contact me at