Friday, November 14, 2014

Are You An Insomniac? I Think Everyone Has Had A Sleepless Night or Two.

Not being able to get to sleep sucks,  the same for not being able to stay asleep.  And, if it's happening frequently you may have Insomnia.  The National Sleep Foundation says 30% to 40% of adults have occasional insomnia, so you're not alone.     There is no need to panic, if it becomes a problem they have plenty of medication for this but you can try some natural remedies and lifestyle changes before running to pills.

I only say to try other remedies before pills because if you are the cause of your insomnia sleeping pills are only a band-aid.    Insomnia can be caused by many factors, so it could be that late night latte or too much mental stimulation near bedtime,  poor diet, etc.

  • Melatonin is probably the first thing everyone will suggest if you ask for a natural sleep aid.  It is a hormone that helps regulate your sleep/wake cycle. However the science behind melatonin is a hit-and-miss.  It can get your body in sleep mode (lower body temperature and cause drowsiness) but it may not keep you asleep.  So it is better suited for those with jet lag or shift work.   Personally it does nothing for me.
  • An old classic, Warm Milk has been a natural sleep aid for a long time and it "works" by helping your brain make its own melatonin.
  • Eating a light snack that is a combination of protein and carbohydrates 30 minutes before bed can help.
  • Get enough Magnesium in your diet, even a slight lack of it can prevent your brain from settling down when you are trying to sleep.   Leafy green veggies and pumpkin seeds are a good source.
  •   Light during the nighttime can hinder your own melatonin and create what they call "social jet-lag" so turning down the lights early in the evening is a good idea.   Keep the light in your sleeping area to a minimal, I even like to turn my clock away from my bed so its light is not in my face.
  • My personal favorite, EXERCISE can be the best remedy for those sleepless nights and improve your overall health.  Some studies suggest that the time of day you exercise makes a difference. Morning is consider the best time but I would think as long as it's not within a few hours of bedtime you should be okay. They say this because a cooler body temperature is linked to better sleep and your body warms up during exercise.  Cooling down can take up to 6 hours but it depends of the how hard and long you exercise.     Do you need a better reason to get yourself motivated and on a good workout routine?                                                                                        Read what WebMD has on it: Exercise Helps You Sleep

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pumpkin Seeds Are Not Just Tasty Good, But Good For You

Since it is the season I thought I would boast a little about how good Pumpkin Seeds are.  They are a chewy snack that will satisfy your hunger guilt-free.  You get a wide variety of nutrients and antioxidants.

 As little as 1/4 cup of these tasty seeds will give you almost half of your recommended daily amount of magnesium (which is important to your body),  this also makes it a good before-workout snack since magnesium is important to the pumping of your heart, which it will be doing a lot of when you are one of Beachbody's workout DVDs.

The Zinc in Pumpkin Seeds boost your immune system, and with winter coming up we could all use a little help there.  No one likes getting sick.   Zinc can also help with sleeping, I once read eating them a few hours before your bedtime will help you fall asleep faster and sleep better (I bet the tryptophan helps more then the Zinc when it comes to sleeping,  Tip: eat a little bit of carbohydrates with them to get the tryptophan going).  It is serendipitous that Pumpkins are harvested at the beginning of Fall, we were given a tasty treat that helps us avoid getting sick right when we need it the most.

You really should add these to your roaster of snacks if you are a man.  Pumpkin Seeds are highly recommended for men's health, I don't want to get all technical but it helps the "parts" women do not have.

Question: you eat the whole seed or crack them like sunflower seeds?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

It's Pumpkin Season and That Means Time for Roasting.

Yes, you can buy them year round that the grocery store but making your own is that much better (if you ask me homemade tastes better and you know they are fresh), and it seems such a shame to just throw them away.  You can make it part of the fun of carving pumpkins. Once you know the basics you can do anything you want, raid your spice cabinet and make your own recipe.

Here are some links to help you get started: has a great how-to article, I had never thought to boil them before roasting until I read this.  I am not sure if boiling does anything more then just getting salt into the seeds but the recipes that say to do that have a lower cook time. has some interesting way to season them,  in two of the three ways they have you coating them in an egg white mixture before roasting. I just might try that this years.

 The FoodNetwork's Hilda's roasted pumpkin seed recipe makes my mouth water just reading it.

A few more links:,,

Will you be (or already have) roasting your seeds this years?  Have you ever roasted Squash seeds?  What is your favorite way to season them?   I noticed some of the recipes say to coat with butter and some say olive oil. Do you think one tastes better then the other?   Do you use pumpkin seeds in other recipes?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fun Facts About Fruits and Veggies We Eat!

                By now I would think we have all heard that Tomatoes are a fruit, not a vegetable. Even though they are considered a veggie, they in fact are not. However a ruling by the Supreme Court in 1893 classified them as a veggie for "trade" purposes. (Google it, kind of interesting).

         Most people wrongly classify Bananas as a fruit, when it is a herb. Yes, the plant it grows on looks tree-like but it is not a tree, the so called trunk is made up of many leaves tightly wrapped around a flower stem that sticks out of the top.  And unlike most fruits the banana is sterile and is only able to reproduce by side-shoots the main plant produces (this means that banana you ate months ago and the one you ate today are genetically identical).


  The tops of Broccoli (called florets) are closed flower buds.     The picture from, they have some good tips on how to pick the best tasting Broccoli.

 It is also a member of the cabbage family,  The Italian name for it means "the flowering top of cabbage".  Who knew, flower buds could be so healthy for you.

Kiwis grow on a vine like grapes, and they contain double the amount of Vitamin C that is in an Orange.

The Rhubarb plant has poisonous leaves (good thing we only use the stalks), they have a potentially fatal amounts of a chemical compound that is found in bleach and other cleaners. 

A single Pomegranate can hold over 1,000 seeds.  If your looking for a fruit high in antioxidants Pomegranates are what you need, it contains more then any other kind of fruit juices.  They make Pomegranate juice by pressing the whole fruit, this is what makes it so high in antioxidants (the good stuff is in the peel and the white pith).

Would it surprise you to know that Peaches, Pears and Plums are in the Rose family?

Now this is just a short list of interesting things you may not know about some of the things we eat, I will have to do some more of these "Fun Facts" posts.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Have You Seen The Commercials for

 I have been seeing the commercials for all over the place the last few days.  So I couldn't help but go check it out.   Here is how they explain it on the site.

"A new project from America’s beverage companies that’s all about making balance easier. Because even if your body is feeling less like a temple and more like— say, a truck stop—balancing the calories that you eat and drink with the calories you burn is key to finding the right mix to keep you feeling like the majestic creature that you are."

It is a nice idea but it falls flat if you ask me.   They make it sound like "they" are going to give you tools and tips, I assume that means you will be able to do stuff on the site.   When it only has links to other peoples tools, like and so on.  I was expecting an app or something that was made by them. And, an ask the expert section.

The "ask the expert" area only has a hand-full of questions asked and the FAQs they mention on the home page is no where to be found. However, that could change as times goes on, its a new site. You would think with all the commercials they have had on TV there would be a lot of visitors asking questions already.  

You can also follow them on the social sites Facebook. Twitter, Instagram, and tumblr for daily "balance inspiration" as they put it, I have now followed them on any of these sites so I don't know what it on there but I am guessing a lot of memes with motivating sayings and such.

With all the options out there I don't see this site being any better (or even equal to) the other "get healthy" sites on the internet.   I applaud the soda companies trying but they can do better.  I would like to see them try to make soda better for you.   I know it will never be healthy, but they could cut back on the sugar or use a better form of sugar (won't go into details here, you know what I mean), etc.....      

 Do you use a website or app to help you keep track of your diet and/or exercise?  I would love to know which one you like, and which ones you don't like.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Have You Ever Bought Fresh Herbs? If no, why not give it a try.

I am sure we all have a thing or two of dried herbs in our cabinets because they are fast and easy. Much more convenient then fresh herbs, lasting longer and no prep.    However there are sometimes when only fresh works best.    If you know how to keep them at their best you are more then likely going to get more then one meal out of a bunch.   Nothing worse then buying fresh herbs using them that night then finding dry or spoiled herbs when you go to use them again.

For someone who has never bought fresh herbs here is a quick rundown on what you need to know. 

  • You'll want to start with picking the best bunch of herbs. Look for pretty unbruised leaves, you should be able to smell it when the leaves are about three inches away.  As you buy and consume on regular basis you will become an expert at picking. You may have to grow your own, sometimes the selection at the store isn't good so starting an herb garden is a good idea if you plan using them often.   What is fresher then right off the pant.
  •  Do not wash them until you are going to use them.  If you wash before storing you will leave moisture on the herbs leaves, this weighs them down and can cause mold.
  •  Remove any fasteners the herbs have (usually rubber bands). Cut off any roots and lower parts of the stems.  If you leave them on they draw moister from the herbs leaves, this will prevent the tops from wilting.   Wrapped trimmed herbs loosely with a damp paper towel, store in a zip-lock bag. Unlike most cases you want to leave a little air to cushion the herbs. If you have room in the refrigerator storing them in containers is best since they won't get crushed.   Keep them in the "warmest" part of your refrigerator (this is usually the top shelf).  You do not want them to get too cold because that turns the herbs black.     It is best to check them every day, get rid of anything that is not looking good.

  To wash you can rinse with the faucet or swish in a bowl of cold water.     When you use the bowl method you will be able to see how much dirt comes off the herbs, if there is a lot you should "swish" them again to make sure you got it all off.   The most importation part of washing them is getting them dry, you want them dry, dry when the time comes to use them.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Can You Overhydrate?

A Yahoo Health post in Aug. 2013 brings the threat of over-hydration to light. We all know about dehydration but did you know you can drink to much?   Most incidents of over-hydration are with athletes who over drank after practice. And, if you have ever made yourself sweat really good weather it be from working-out or "working" you can see how someone could just chug a bunch water or a few sports drink down without a second thought.     The danger is in drinking to much in a short period of time.    The post in Yahoo Health notes a young man that had died from this had drank 2 gallons of water and 2 gallons of Gatorade,  no mention of the time span in which he drank it.

   Also called water-intoxication,  over-hydration can throw off the balance of water and sodium in your blood. It shifts water into your body's cells, causing the cells to swell and eventually die.   This is most dangerous when it happens in the brain since it has no room to swell because of the skull.     Don't panic, this is rare but we should be aware.

There are two types of over-hydration: increased water intake and retaining water.
  • Increased water intake, drinking more water than your kidneys can get rid of in the form of urine.   This can cause too much water to collect in the body.
  • Retaining, the body is unable to get rid of excess water. This happens with several medical conditions or medication.
Symptoms of over-hydration in the early stages can include:
  • nausea and vomiting
  • headache
  • changes in mental state (confusion or disorientation)
If left untreated, it can lead to more-severe symptoms, such as:
  • muscle weakness, spasms or cramps
  • seizures
  • unconsciousness
  • coma
avoid drinking more than one liter per hour of fluid.  Take steps to avoid the urge to over drink after activity, try drinking before you start and take breaks to during (if you feel the need).  

The thing you should take away is to drink in moderation,  let your thirst and pee tell you how much water you need. No need to over do it because you think you "need it".   If you're not thirsty and have pale yellow pee you are likely getting enough water (it's amazing what you can learn from your pee).

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Let's Get Going!

Okay Everyone, lets try this! I have been in this slump and I need to get out of it! I would like to start a challenge group to help us get motivate and ready for the holiday season! Fall is right around the corner and I know there is going to be food tempting us like crazy! If you join my FREE group you will have the support and countability you need to keep going. Plus if you live in my area I will also be doing a Fit Club! This also will be FREE! All you have to do is buy the program and be 100% involved and dedicated to change your life for the good! This will be a change that you are going to LOVE and will NEVER change back to those old habits again! So who is in with me? I don't have a start date as of now, but once I have people that would like to join I will have a better idea of when we will start. There are a bunch of really good sales going on now with Beachbody! You can choose whatever program you would like to do as a work out program! If you are NOT a person that likes to work out at home that is okay! You can take your DVD with you to the gym. I have seen it done! Contact me today for more details and check out my website!  
Contact me at

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fast or Slow? What Kind of Carbs Are You Eating. You could be eating too much of the "bad" kind.

If you are trying to lose weight or just eat better you need to know what you are putting into your body.  Carbohydrates are important, they give your body energy.    To put it simply carbs are simple sugars, the structure of the carbs molecules determines how fast it is digested.

 They are broken into 2 categories: Slow and Fast.     Just like the name says Slow Carbs are digested slowly and considered more healthy than their counterpart Fast Carbs because Fast Carbs have the potential to increase your blood sugar .  Slow Carbs are high in fiber and nutrients, Fast Carbs are usually more processed and low in fiber and nutrients while being high in sugar.


Slow Carbs
 Rolled or steel cut oatmeal, oat bran, 100 percent stone-ground whole wheat or pumpernickel bread, most fruits, non-starchy vegetables (artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, all types of greens, okra, peppers, squash and zucchini. Among the starchy vegetables, peas, carrots, parsnips and yams) and barley. Beef, nuts, seeds, chicken, eggs and most whole grains are Slow Carbs. Baked beans, black-eyed peas, black beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, navy beans, lentils, soybeans and peanuts. Slow-digesting dairy foods include skim and full-fat milk; cheeses such as Cheddar, mozzarella and cottage; and yogurt. Non-dairy alternatives like almond and soy milk are also slow-digesting, but rice milk is not.

Fast Carbs

Banana, Blackberries, Blackcurrants, Blueberries, Cherry, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Lemon, Lychee, Melon, Pineapple, Plums, Raspberries, Watermelon.   White bread, instant oatmeal, pretzels, saltine crackers, popcorn, rice cakes, cornflakes and white rice.  Anything with refined flour or refined sugar.    Most packaged and frozen foods along with baked goods usually fall under this category.   Any fruit or veggie that is considered Fast is okay if you eat them fresh and unprocessed.

Most diet plans will suggest eating less of the Fast Carbs, especially ones that come from refined and sugary foods. Mainly because they provide little to no nutritional benefits and have been linked to increased risk Diabetes, Heart Disease and some Cancers.    
However, Fast Carbs have their place, athletes and people exercising need an immediate source of energy for their rigorous workouts. Consuming Fast Carbs after heavy exercise as a source of energy will prevent the body from breaking down muscle proteins to convert into energy.  This also prevents loss of muscle mass after workouts.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Katie's Fresh Mango Salsa

You know when your making something up and you know it's gonna be amazing and then you taste it and your taste buds explode!! We'll that just happened to me trying this!

Simple, fresh and oh so ggggoooooddddd!!!

  • 1/2 Red Onion
  • 2 Avocado
  • 1 Mango
  • 1 Med. Tomato
  • 1 Fresh Lime Worth of Juice
  • dash of salt
      Cut, Mix and enjoy!

Why Should You Eat More Cabbage? To Many Reasons Too Pick Just One

Cabbage isn't just for Cole Slaw, This low in calorie but very nutritious veggie can make a great addition to many of the meals you already make.  

 Rich in phyto-nutrient anti-oxidants cabbage is in the same "family" as cauliflower, kale, broccoli and brussels sprouts.   It comes in a few varieties: red, green, and Savoy.

 The type of anti-oxidants in Cabbage are known to help protect against colon, breast, and prostate cancer, as well as reducing LDL (bad cholesterol" levels. And, a great source of fiber.

You may be saying "but I don't know how to pick a head of cabbage", it is pretty easy and just like you would a head of lettuce.  You want it compact, firm and heavy for its size.  I can almost guarantee every head available at the store is good, it just depends on what size head you want.   You can even cheat buy just buying one of those put-cut cole slaw mixes.     As with any fruit or veggie you must wash it thoroughly (EVEN THE PRE-CUT STUFF).  Conventionally grown cabbage is usually subjected to insecticide sprays because pest are a common problem.  If you want to clean it better then just rinsing good in cold water, try soaking it in salt water for 30 minutes, then rinse it again to remove everything that was loosened in the soak.     To prepare just cut off the stem end and cut in half.  From there the cutting depends on what you are using it for.

I have been using cabbage instead of lettuce in sandwiches, yummy.   That is a good way to get it in into your diet and a way to change things up.   There is so many ways to use it, I will work on some recipes to put on here but in the mean time just look around the internet and I am sure you will find one that inspires you.

* If you are including it in your diet for the cholesterol lowering affect try steaming it, when cooked for a short period by steam it does a better job at binding to bile acids (necessary for lowering cholesterol).  Be careful not to overcook, overcooking will render it useless.  Keep your cooking time around 5 minutes.   Never microwave it!  Raw cabbage will still do the job, cooking just gives it a boost.

Here is what WebMd says about cabbage:

Warning: if you have a thyroid condition or any issues with your thyroid, please consult your doctor before going cabbage crazy.   Read what WebMD says.

Friday, August 8, 2014

So How Do I Cook Tofu?

 At first Tofu can be intimidating,  it looks weird and you just don't know what to do with it.   You may have some issues with your first few Tofu meals.  Sticking and flavoring are the main issues.

 Tofu comes in different textures, "extra firm," "firm," "soft," and "silken." If you are following a recipe use the kind it calls for, but if you are just winging-it start with "firm"

 You will want to drain the tofu first.  Even if you are not going to "press" it you should let it drain on a layer of paper towels or some other absorbent surface for 5 to 10 minutes.  "Pressing" it will take some more water out it, this avoids diluting flavors and safer when frying. Press between two plates or baking sheets.

Tofu alone is rather blah, not bad but not steak,  however you can marinate it.   It soaks up flavor like a sponge, more so when cut into small pieces.  Play around with the marinade, you can use anything from soy sauce to ginger or hot sauce.  15 minutes would be the least amount of time you should let it marinate, but the longer you leave it the more flavor it absorbs.  So start it in the morning or the night before cooking for the best flavor.

  • You can bake it, do so on a low heat. It will slowly dry out and become chewy, good for adding to salads or snacking.
  • try searing it as you would meat, place in a hot pan (single layer) and let it cook without stirring. It becomes golden and crispy, shake the pan every few minutes to get all sides golden
  • Cut or crumbled? How you cut it can change the experience of eating it.  Larger cuts work good for stir-fries and noodle dishes, small cubes for soups and crumbled for casseroles. 

There is lots of meal ideas and how-to's online,  Let's explore this unique food together!  Please share any recipes or tips in the comments.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Why I started Beachbody. I have been through it all when I think about it. So many fad diets out there and what do you choose from? I have taken pills, I have gone to trainers and also Joined the YMCA, but I couldn't find that one things to keep me going. Back in February of this year (2014) I was very over weight and was not happy with myself what so ever. I decided to go see the doctor and get a full physical done and see where I was at. I had chronic headaches, joint pain and tired all of the time. I was so nervous about going and but, doctor weighed me, took blood, checked my heart and lungs. All of my issues that I was having was from my weight. Also I was 10 points away from being dietetic! I would be giving myself insulin shots and taking who knows what medication! I didn't want to live that way! I went home and cried and so upset with myself.
Later that day I talked to my best friend and she told me about 21 Day fix at at this point it was brand new with Beachbody. I knew it was going to be expensive and I talked to my husband and he said, if this is something that you want to do go ahead and do it. I am not working right now and money sure was tight! I thought about it for a little while and saved up the money and bought 21 Day Fix and Shakeology I could not wait to start it! I am now 5 months into the program and I am a Beachbody coach and down 25lbs! I know I could be down a lot more than that by now, but life has been very busy and I have not been home to do my work outs, but I have learned to eat better and also better portion size when eating, I drink shakeology everyday NO MATTER WHAT! I no longer have my headaches and I am feeling sooo good!
I want to do the same that my best friend did for me as for you! I want you to experience the amazing results that I am having and feel better and live a healthy lifestyle! So I am starting a Challenge group and I want you to join me! I will be starting Piyo, that is brand New to Beachbody, but if that is not for you they have so many wonderful programs you can try! This challenge group is going to keep you on track, keep you focused and it will be FUN! I will not let you down, I am still on my journey and I would love you to be part of it with me. Contact me today! You will NOT regret it! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Do You Drink Tea? What Kind?

When most people think of tea they might think of regular old Lipton Ice Tea, but there is a lot of choices when it comes to tea.

Here is a basic list from

 Specialty tea shops are popping up in malls and shopping centers all over,  these places are all about adding this blossom and that blossom, even artificial flavorings. However something on this list is usually the base tea leaf.    Now don't get me wrong I have bought tea from one of those places in the mall and even liked it, but you have to wonder "do those people really know what they are doing?".  Are they going to know how each one of those ingredients may affect you or pills you take?  As with anything herbal or homeopathic you have to be informed about what they might do to you.  Like Hibiscus tea, if you have never drank it before be cautious because some people have experienced hallucinogenic effects/ or felt intoxicated. It is also not good for those who have low blood pressure.      

So, if you want to spice up your tea take time to think about what flavors you are wanting and do some research on the ingredients.  If you walk in there uninformed you might end up with bag of problems steeping instead of relaxation.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Have You Tofu'd Lately?

When changing your diet, either for health reasons and/or for losing weight, you are probably going to be cutting back on meat.  However, when you are reducing your meat intake you are going to lose a good source of protein in your diet, as well as other stuff for your body needs.      You always want to eat what your body needs, losing weight by starvation is not healthy and may hurt you in the long run. 

 So those that are looking to get the proper amount of protein without eating as much (or any) meat should check out Tofu.   Tofu is made from mature soybeans grounded to a milk-like substance that is then pressed into cakes.

A quick comparison of the numbers: 
A 100 calorie serving, tofu contains 11 grams of protein. By comparison, A 100 calories of ground beef provides 8.9 grams of protein, and a 100 calorie serving of cheese contains 6.2 grams.

Some of the benefits of eating Tofu regularly can be lowering bad cholesterol and lowering the risk of cancer.  For the ladies: It helps alleviating the symptoms of menopause. It is a great source of   Vitamin E and Calcium.   It is also low in calories and affordable. No matter how good something is for you the price can make a difference, you should be able to find it in the produce section of any grocery store (look around where they have the bagged salads, the refrigerated area).  

Nutrition Facts at Self Nutrition

Monday, July 28, 2014

PIYO Accountability! Do the program with me for the FIRST TIME!
Low impact, NO Jumping, easy on the knees
Who I am looking for:
~Cardio Junkies who need a rest
~Advanced or Beginners
~Someone short on time
~Someone who is committed and ready to go ALL IN for change for their life!

Ask me for more details!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

New Virus Trasmitted By Mosquitoes: Chikungunya

In recent years we have been worried about getting the West Nile Virus from those annoying bugs and now another "new" virus, that we have to worry about, has found its way here.  The first U.S. cases were in Florida, the man and woman have not traveled to any of the foreign countries where the disease is common, so they have concluded they got Chikungunya from a mosquito here in the U.S.  It can cause joint pain and arthritis-like symptoms, at least its not deadly.  Although it can be painful and last for weeks.

You can read more about it on Yahoo Health, and CNN Health

 If even you do not get any virus from a mosquito bite it can still be a pain, so please remember to take the necessary precautions when doing outdoor activities this time of year.

Use bug spray if you are going out, especially in tropical, or wooded areas near water. (know a good brand of bug spray? Please share in the comments!)
• Get rid of standing water, empty plastic pools, flower pots and pet dishes, so mosquitoes don't         breed.
• Dress appropriately, with long sleeves and pants.
* Remember that mosquitoes are most active between dusk and dawn.

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Newest List of Powerhouse Fruits and Veggies

A new study published in the Center for Disease Control and Protection Journal has a list of the best fruits and veggies, They are the ones most strongly associated with reduced chronic disease risk.

They contain 17 essential nutrients: potassium, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, zinc, and vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K.    Some up to 10% of a person's ideal daily intake.       The fruit and veggies are scored from 0 to 100 on a Nutrient density scale and the only one scoring 100 is Watercress.  Most of top performers are foods that most people don't include in their diet or even tried before.   

 Check out the full list of fruits and veggies on the CDC's website (<---link here) and think about buying something off the list that you do not regularly eat, you might find out you have been missing out on something tasty and good for you!   

I am looking for some people that are wanting to make a change in there lives! Start the Piyo Challenge with me on August 4th. This is a life style change and something you will NEVER regret! Contact me today!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Can Smelling Farts Be Good For You?

I bet you have read that headline or heard from someone about the new study done by researcher at the University of Exeter that says smelling a fart could be good for you, it could reduce the risk of cancer, heart attack, strokes, arthritis, and dementia. I seen it on my Grandmother's Facebook page, of all people right, ha ha.   However, that headline is misleading. 

The Hydrogen sulfide gas found in rotten eggs and flatulence can be toxic in large doses but beneficial in small doses .  This is what they are looking at in this study,   Scientist created a compound (AP39) that delivers small, concentrated amounts of the gas to a cell.  The body uses small amounts of this "gas" for cellular signaling, so by slowly adding some to a dying or diseased cell they hope to preserve its function and possibly aid in fighting disease.

No where in the study did it suggest that smelling this "gas" will do anything but give you a bad taste in your mouth. The gas has to be delivered to the cell.

So I am sorry to say that if you have been telling people this as you "gas" them out or vice versa, you have suffered for no reason.  I am sure this subject will be good for a laugh anytime it is brought up but be informed and don't believe everything you see Facebook.

Here is a good article that explains it a little more at IFL Science.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Buying Weights, Do You Do It In-Store or Online?

The quick answer is in-store is best, especially if it is your first time buying.   It is a good idea to hold them and do a few moves to see if the pounds you are wanting to buy are to heavy or to light.  If you buy a pair of ten pound dumbbells online and find they are to heavy you will have to send them back (usually at your expense) or go out and buy lighter weights.  You can always do some price checking online buy when you are ready to purchase do it in person.

There are options to choose from: the material on the inside and outside, shape of the grip, etc.   These are things you cannot feel online.   Another draw back will be the cost of shipping, unless you find a place that has free shipping it could cost more then the weights themselves.

 To save money you can always buy used equipment from stores such as Play It Again Sports, do a Google search to find what stores are in your area.

Suggested reading:  Tips for Buying Free Weights"
                                5 Tips For Buying The Best Dumbbells
                                How To Buy Dumbbells

Saturday, July 5, 2014

My "PiYo" Has Arrived

My PiYo came in the mail! You all know that I am die hard 21 Day Fix fan!  However, I wanted to try a something little different. Here is my first impression on PiYo! I LOVE it!! It is really different from what I have been doing, but I can see how it is going to help with with my weight loss journey. I defiantly need more room in my living-room too to do this.  It is a 36 min work out and that is with warm up and cool down. We did the "sweat" program and boy did I! I didn't make it the whole 30ish minutes but I sure did feel it! I can't wait to really dig into PiYo and see what kind of results I get! The funniest part of doing this work out today, is my hubby was right behind me trying to follow along and he yells out "WHERE'S AUTMNUM!!!!" I fell over laughing!! I would love to see you guys try this with me and if you would I will be starting my PiYo Challenge group on July 7th!!! Let me know if you would like to be part of it!   Contact me on Facebook page, Fit for Life with Katie Schluter.

While Improving Your Body's Fitness Do Not Forget Your Brain

You have probably seen commercials or print ads for "brain game" products such as Lumosity,  the concept seems sounds.  Exercise your brain to keep it healthy and functioning at its best.  Research suggests those who challenge there mind  have better cognitively later in life.     Research also shows when your brain is exposed to mental activity it make new neurons, this happens throughout life. This means it's never to late to start. However starting before problems do is better.

You are already helping your brain by exercising your body, it affects mood, vitality, alertness, and feelings of well-being, as well as allowing you to focus.    Exercise is being use as a natural way of combating brain disorders such as ADHD.      Preliminary research on animals suggests exercise can cause new stem cells to grow, which can refresh your brain and other body parts.

Most of the computer and app brain games cost money, but if you do not want to spend money you can train your brain by doing such things as crosswords, reading, interacting socially, etc...  The trick is to challenge your brain.  Try brushing your teeth with your non-dominate hand, you might make a mess of your face and have to finish up with your dominate hand but hey it's good for you.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Beware of Diet Products that are Scams

People wanting to lose weight can be easy targets for products making big promises, being desperate to lose unwanted weight you can be willing to spend any amount of money on something that promises results. 

You can even be fooled by those you think are trustworthy. Dr. Oz was recently the star witness at a Senate committee hearing about false advertising of weight-loss products.  He was asked why he pushed products on his show that were not proven by research, he said to give people a jump-start on diets and hope.

However when people have unrealistic expectations that aren't met they will give up and keep the "weight-cycle" going.  You may have some success at first but that is due to the excitement and does not last. Ex: If you starve yourself, yes you will lose weight but you cannot keep it up. Eventually you will go back your old ways.

It is not hard to find such products these days, we are bombarded by them on Tv and ads all over. The FTC is serious about limiting the claims these products can make and it will be a great day when truth in advertising comes back to this industry.   

Here is a list of claims the FTC says could indicate the product is a scam:

1: Lose 1-2 pounds a week without diet or exercise
2: Lose weight no matter what you eat
3: Permanent weight loss, no need to diet again
4: Blocks absorption of calories or fat
5: Lose weight by wearing a product or rubbing it into your skin

Keep in mind that even FDA approved weight loss drugs stress the importance of diet and exercise, so anything that says you can lose weight without either of those is more then likely going to be a waste of money and time. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

How Many Calories Are In _______?

Have you ever asked how many calories are in a banana? or that burger?  Here are some links that will help you find the answer:

You may not be counting calories but knowing how many is your favorite meal at Burger King (etc.) may help you stay away from things that will hurt your new way of eating healthy.   On the flip side it can help you make good choices.  They also give you nutrition facts!

"3 Day Refresh" Now Available

 At the Beachbody Coach Summit 2014 they announce the     new "3 Day Refresh program"

It is a cleanse designed for a fast clean break:  Drop a few pounds in a hurry or break some bad habits.

It consists of 3 daily shakes (2 Vanilla Fresh + 1 Shakeology*) a fiber drink, plenty of filtered water, plus a wide array of fruits, veggies, and healthy fats throughout the day to keep your energy and metabolism going.

This program is the perfect addition for those on the path to living a healthier, more fulfilling life!

* Shakeology sold separately.

         About the daily shakes:
  • VANILLA FRESH shakes for lunch and dinner – This patent-pending, delicious, and protein-rich formula helps curb your hunger with more than 20 grams of wholesome plant-based protein, 22 essential vitamins and minerals, probiotics for digestive health, and a patented potato protein extract clinically tested to satisfy your appetite.
  • FIBER SWEEP drink – Gently and naturally eliminates waste from your digestive system with its patent-pending blend of whole ground flax, chia, and psyllium seed husks. As part of a healthy diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, Fiber Sweep can help lower cholesterol, support healthy blood sugar levels. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tips For Workout Newbies: Set Small Goals

It is good have big goals, but setting small obtainable goals will help keep you going.  If you are only focusing on the end you will get overwhelmed,  losing weight takes time (when done in a healthy and sustainable way).    Start with just losing 5lbs in a month/ reducing or cutting an unhealthy food from your diet, etc...  make your list of small goals take you to what your main goal is; If you want to run a marathon start with running 1/2 mile in a set time. 
 Put your goals on paper (or an app on your cell phone) so you can see them often, this will keep your eye on the prize.  You will feel good putting a check next the things you have listed and before you know it you will be close to your main goal.

Sea Salt And Table Salt , What Makes Them Different?

 The differences between the two salts are taste, texture, and processing.

Sea Salt is made by evaporating ocean water or water from saltwater lakes, with little processing.  The water leaves behind certain trace minerals and elements, this varies with the source of water.  The minerals add color and flavor to Sea Salt.  It also comes in a variety of coarseness levels.
 Table Salt is usually minded from underground and is processed to eliminate minerals while adding  anti-clumping additives. Table Salt can have iodine added, which is an essential nutrient to help maintain a healthy thyroid (the label with state if the salt has iodine or not) . 

We often hear that Sea Salt is healthier but Table Salt and Sea Salt have the same basic nutritional value; containing the same amount of sodium by weight.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans  recommends a sodium intake of no more then 2,300 milligrams a day- or 1,500 milligrams for people over 51 and those with certain health conditions (ask your Doctor).

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Questions About Your Weight? Do You Need To Lose Some.

If you are on the heavy side or underweight, you should consider seeing a Doctor if you haven't lately.  Some people put it off because they dread what they will be told, however if you wait too long you could hurt your health in the long run.

Here are some questions you should be asking:

  •  Does my weight affect my health?   Being overweight (or underweight) can cause many health problems and if you do not have them now you could be just a few pounds away.
  • What is a healthy weight for me?   Your healthy weight is different from others, factors like your height and age will help determine what yours is.
  • What changes do I need to make to my eating habits?  If you are Diabetic or on the verge of Diabetes changing what you eat can save your life.
  • What physical activities are recommended? This is based on your starting weight, underlying health condition, and activity level.

Ab Challenge Starts July 1st, It Is FREE!!

       Everyone is invited to join my "30 Day Ab Challenge"
                      Did I mention it is FREE

        Everyday you will be given an Ab Assignment that
     is designed define your waistline and tone your tummy.
         Don't wait, contact me today to join this challenge!

My "21 Day Fix" Review

 If you are just starting to work out I feel that this is a perfect program for you! It will push you to your limit but only takes 30 minutes, you can't beat that! You may think about stopping but you look at the clock and you are already half way through the work out so why not finish!

When I started out I did have to get some equipment. I got some small weights, I started out at 2 and 5lbs weights, I used a yoga mat as well. As time went by I went out to buy heavier weights, I am not up to 8 and 10lb weights, I am looking to start 12 and 15 lb weights next week! You can use resistance bands if you like, but I rather use the free weights, I feel that I have better results.

The whole entire "21 Day Fix" kit I got from my Beachbody coach comes with two work out DVD's; that include 7 workouts and 2 bonus ab work outs. Since I bought the program through my coach I did get a bonus work out called Piyo Fix. All of the work outs are 30 minutes long except for the Ab work out which is 10 minutes long.  It also comes with your eating plan booklet and all of your portion size cups so you can eat the right amount of food through out the day. I did buy the Challenge pack so that came with Shakeology and a shaker cup. You also get recipes for different shakes with the flavor Shakeology that you pick out.

I have been doing this program for 3 months and I am feeling amazing, I have lost 20lbs. I know it could be more, but honestly I have not been too good on the meal plan! But even with not doing well on it, I still am losing the weight. I have also have a lot of muscle tone in my legs and arms!
This is defiantly a program for the beginner! I would recommend this to anyone that is in their early 20's all the way up to someone in there late 50's!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Keeping Up With Your Healthy Lifestyle While Traveling.

When traveling for business or pleasure it can be easy to forget about working out or eating healthy. If you slip too much you could end up feeling bad, not just mentally but physically. 

If you are taking your laptop or portable DVD player, don't forget your fitness DVDs.  Keeping with that exercise routine will help you have the energy to have fun and make it through any activities you have planned.   Or find out if your hotel has a Gym, take the opportunity to use equipment you don't have at home. 

Try walking instead of driving everywhere (if destination allows), or make plans to visit a national park or something that will get you moving in area you are visiting.    It is a good way to explore.    Something as simple as walking to a restaurant near your hotel instead of in-room dining can make a difference.  

Allow yourself a splurge day, preferably early in your trip.  Eat/drink whatever you want, do as little as you can, etc... the next day you will probably feel it.    Later on during your vacation when you are considering going overboard remember how bad you felt and stick to what you know is best.  We tend to think of vacations as our time to go crazy but they are infamous for  undoing months of progress.  So limit yourself to one day.    

Friday, June 20, 2014

Save $70 on PiYo If You Order The Challenge Pack Today! Message Me and Ask How!

If you are looking for a low-impact workout with amazing results, you need to check out PiYo!

 If you have issues with your joints this work out is for you, it is low impact, so no jumping or weights needed!  Contact me to get yours today!  Follow my progress with PiYo on my Facebook page.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Don't Wait, Make The Change

Is there a reason why you are not making a change? Are you already fit and don't think that Beachbody will help you? ALL of our work outs are for every shape, size, age and fitness level!

 Check out Summit 2014 LIVE and get the scoop! If you want to join the best work out program ever, contact ME!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Challenge Group Starting In July, Contact Me To Get In It!

Next month I am starting a new program (PiYo), that means time to start a challenge group.  If you want to be apart of this contact me on my Facebook page Fit for Life with Katie SchluterYou can pick from 21 Day fix, PiYo or T25!

When I saw this program (PiYo), I got just as excited about it as I did about the 21 Day Fix. Those that follow my Facebook page know that I LOVE that program and I have come a long way with it, but I am looking for something else that is going to challenge me a little more! So who is in with me?

What Happens When You Boil Soda? A Visual On Why You Don't Want To Be Drinking It

Videos like this have been circulating social media and news sites,  we all know that soda can be bad for us but this is a good visual.   You can just imagine this the next time you reach for a soda.

Soda is all empty calories, mainly from the sugar in it, so if you are on the way to a healthier lifestyle you really need to think about what you put in your body.  A soda once in a while isn't going to hurt you but if you drink one (or more) a day you should really reconsider your beverage choices. In a study by Yale University in 2011 they found the average American drinks 45 gallons of sugary drinks a year.  That is a lot.   You can also look at it this way, a Coke a day can make you gain 14.5 pounds a year from its empty calories.   So you can potentially lose that amount by cutting it out.  

If you think drinking diet soda is better, think again.  Early findings in a study revealed that you could have a 48% increase risk of heart attack and stroke with your daily diet soda.  This is on top of the other health risks (obesity, kidney damage, and certain cancers. Regular soft drinks have been linked to elevated blood pressure; just to name a few).

The take away from all these studies is not to drink to much soda, turn that once (or more) a day soda into something healthy for you.  Water is a good start, most of us do not drink enough.  Look at ingredients in the juices you buy too, they can be just as bad as soda.

Here is a link to,  their page that gives you a visual on the amount of sugar in some popular drinks. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Cucumber Tuna Sandwhich

Try this delicious idea as lunch or as a snack:
                                                                                                    Mix the following:
  1. Tuna 
  2. Drizzle of olive oil
  3. Onion
  4. Mustard (I used yellow) 
Then slice cucumber and put it all together!

Is Your Morning Coffee Leaving A Bad Taste In Your Mouth? You Might Need To Clean Your Coffeemaker.

 Some of you may have never cleaned your coffeemaker on the inside, yes we wipe its exterior to keep it pretty but what about the parts that make the coffee.   Don't let your morning pick-you-up bring you down with a bad flavor.

(A dirty coffeemaker will take longer to brew)

 The best known way to clean a (drip) coffeemaker is running a mixture of vinegar and water through it.   

Vinegar Method:     
Make sure any used coffee filters are thrown away (no need for a new one).  
 * Add vinegar to coffeemaker's water reservoir until ¼ full, fill the rest of the way with water.  Run coffee maker, when done turn off, and let it cool down for 10 to 20 minutes*.   Repeat from * to *, it is up to you if want to use the same water.        The last step is to run plain water through coffeemaker; again let it cool when done.     Repeat last step.     If  you can still smell vinegar run water through it again. Leave reservoir lid open to allow it to dry before using to make coffee.

To clean the pot and filter basket use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda, make a paste with the two and use your fingers to scrub, those stains will rinse off in no time.  For stubborn stains let mixture sit for a minute or two before scrubbing.

Tip:  using only distilled water will make for better tasting coffee and extend the life of your machine as well as reducing the build up left behind. That means less cleaning needed.