Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pumpkin Seeds Are Not Just Tasty Good, But Good For You

Since it is the season I thought I would boast a little about how good Pumpkin Seeds are.  They are a chewy snack that will satisfy your hunger guilt-free.  You get a wide variety of nutrients and antioxidants.

 As little as 1/4 cup of these tasty seeds will give you almost half of your recommended daily amount of magnesium (which is important to your body),  this also makes it a good before-workout snack since magnesium is important to the pumping of your heart, which it will be doing a lot of when you are one of Beachbody's workout DVDs.

The Zinc in Pumpkin Seeds boost your immune system, and with winter coming up we could all use a little help there.  No one likes getting sick.   Zinc can also help with sleeping, I once read eating them a few hours before your bedtime will help you fall asleep faster and sleep better (I bet the tryptophan helps more then the Zinc when it comes to sleeping,  Tip: eat a little bit of carbohydrates with them to get the tryptophan going).  It is serendipitous that Pumpkins are harvested at the beginning of Fall, we were given a tasty treat that helps us avoid getting sick right when we need it the most.

You really should add these to your roaster of snacks if you are a man.  Pumpkin Seeds are highly recommended for men's health, I don't want to get all technical but it helps the "parts" women do not have.

Question: you eat the whole seed or crack them like sunflower seeds?

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